Thursday, 3 February 2011

The Broken Papaya & The Barren Patch of Lawn

The papaya (from Carib via Spanish), papaw or pawpaw is the fruit of the plant Carica papaya, in the genus Carica. It is native to the tropics of the Americas, and was first cultivated in Mexico several centuries before the emergence of the Mesoamerican classic cultures.

One had this accidental growth all by itself near the well and right through the iron bars of the gate as seen in the adjacent second picture.
Obviously a discarded seed ingested by some bird, but boy, did this tree give some of the sweetest papayas we have eaten.
Unfortunately there was nothing we could do to try and save this specimen by transplanting it to another location as you can see it would not have been easy to extricate it from the gate. i admit that one could have taken the trouble of sawing off some of the bars and given the tree some more space to grow, but this was all in the days prior to my taking the kind of interest in gardening as i do so now.
Sadly one fine morning the tree trunk could not bear the weight of the fruits any more on it's sloping trunk and it simply gave way and broke off from the spot as seen in the first picture.
However, during my daily routine of watering the plants i could not simply give a "pass" to the tree that gave us such sweetness without stopping and letting it have it's share of water till as such time that it would clearly indicate that it's spirit had left the body.
As miracles will continue to happen, a couple of days ago i was very pleased to see some fresh green growth occurring once again!
I shall now ensure that i provide the tree with a good support so that the same misfortune does not repeat itself.
needless to say one eagerly awaits it's sweet gifts to appear once again.

Pictures three and four are of the front lawn.
Picture four is taken from the east and shows the weeds are in full growth all over again.
New found help Krishna, had promised a substitute would come and attend to the weeding in his absence but sadly no one has turned up since the past three weeks.
Now why am i not surprised..... hmm.
However, it gives me cheer to note that underneath and amongst all the weed there has begun a healthy growth to the dormant Mexican grass that was initially laid sometime in 2002. At the time i had paid Rs.140/- a sq meter, these days i have received quotes of around Rs.400/- a sq mtr.
A young attendant girl at the nursery from where i had bought this grass had put some of my anxieties to rest by assuring me that i needn't worry too much about its maintainance adding that it bounces right back even from an almost dry dormant state. i must admit that my present experience with the same tells me that the girl knew what she was talking about.
That is why my hopes have redoubled in my determined fight against the barren patch in the north east corner of the lawn.
Thanks to our pets Lucky and Sasha, this is their favourite corner to charge to in their show of bravado against any deemed threats to the house from that direction.
Meanwhile, i googled a search for "mexican grass" and its interesting to see what i came up with. The grass that is most commonly referd to as "mexican", seems to be the following:

St. Augustine Grass
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

St. Augustine Grass or Buffalo Grass (Stenotaphrum secundatum) (also known as Charleston Grass in South Carolina) is a warm season lawn grass that is popular for use in tropical and subtropical regions. It is a low to medium maintenance grass that forms a thick, carpetlike lawn, crowding out most weeds and other grasses.


St. Augustine is a dark green grass with broad, flat blades. It spreads by above ground stolons, commonly known as "runners" and forms a dense layer of grass.
The grass originated in South Africa,[1] and it occurs on both sides of the Atlantic ocean,[2] including much of the southeastern United States,[3][4] Mexico,[2] and Central and South America.[2] It has escaped cultivation in California,[5] many Pacific islands,[2] and New Zealand.[2]
St. Augustine grass is one type of grass that commonly exists in most Caribbean and Mediterranean areas. It breeds best in tropical climates. It is often seen in lagoons, marshes, shorelines and wherever there is a good amount of moisture.

If you go to the page in wickipedia, you will find a photograph of  the same.

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